Thursday, 4 February 2010

Home work out

A list of simple things which you can do at home without worrying about going to the gym :

- Push ups, these are very simple and effective exercise and I would recommend doing sets of 3 of these for a good workout.

- Sit ups, Once again another great workout and would again do sets of 3 of these, can be any amount of sit ups but making sure you are giving yourself a good workout.

- Step ups, What a great way to get fitness while just using one simple thing a STEP, start out slowly and with progression start getting faster as you feel fitter.

- Pull ups, A great way for you to work out, you will need a bar usually good between a door but getting one of these are very cheap so its a good way to get physically fit!

I have many more techniques but if you need any more info just give me an email and I will get back to you, Thank you.

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