Friday, 25 September 2009

Day 4, Test 4 - Standing Long Jump Test (Broad Jump)

The next text which I will look at is the standing long jump test.

purpose: to measure the explosive power of the legs.

equipment required: tape measure to measure distance jumped, non-slip floor for takeoff, and soft landing area preferred. Commercial Long Jump Landing Mats are also available. The take off line should be clearly marked.

description: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling backwards. Three attempts are allowed.

Scoring: once again please email me.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Day 3, Test 3 - 20m Multistage Fitness Test (Beep Test)

You should now be used to testing your fitness and how well you are coming along! The next test is a very good way of testing your aerobic fitness and will push you to your limits.

The 20m multistage fitness test is a commonly used maximal running aerobic fitness test. It is also known as the 20 meter shuttle run test, beep or bleep test among others.

equipment required: Flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, 20m measuring tape, beep test cd, cd player and recording sheets.

description: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The test subjects stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the cd or tape. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level). If the line is not reached in time for each beep, the subject must run to the line turn and try to catch up with the pace within 2 more ‘beeps’. Also, if the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until the beep sounds. The test is stopped if the subject fails to reach the line (within 2 meters) for two consecutive ends. There are several versions of the test, but one commonly used version has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr, which increases by 0.5 km/hr each minute. Another version starts at 8.0 km/hr, then up to 9.0 km/hr for level 2 and then increases by 0.5 km/hr.

Scoring: Once again please email me with your scores.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Day 2, Test 2 - Hand grip strength test

Day 1 done and let the next test begin with a simple but effective Hand grip strength test.

The purpose of this test is to measure the maximum isometric strength of the hand and forearm muscles. Handgrip strength is important for any sport in which the hands are used for catching, throwing or lifting. Also, as a general rule people with strong hands tend to be strong elsewhere, so this test is often used as a general test of strength.

Equipment required: handgrip dynamometer

description / procedure: The subject holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the arm at right angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle of the dynamometer is adjusted if required - the base should rest on first metacarpal (heel of palm), while the handle should rest on middle of four fingers. When ready the subject squeezes the dynamometer with maximum isometric effort, which is maintained for about 5 seconds. No other body movement is allowed. The subject should be strongly encouraged to give a maximum effort. See videos of the Hand grip strength test.

Results: For results please email me again and I will calculate these for you.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Day 1, Test 1 - Illinois Agility Test

So are you ready to begin with the famous "Illinois agility test"? This test is a great test to get started with as it tests your agility and is simple to follow.

purpose: To test running agility

equipment required: flat non-slip surface, marking cones, stopwatch and measuring tape.

description: The length of the course is 10 meters and the width (distance between the start and finish points) is 5 meters. Four cones are used to mark the start, finish and the two turning points. Another four cones are placed down the centre an equal distance apart. Each cone in the centre is spaced 3.3 meters apart.

procedure: Subjects should lie on their front (head to the start line) and hands by their shoulders. On the 'Go' command the stopwatch is started, and the athlete gets up as quickly as possible and runs around the course in the direction indicated, without knocking the cones over, to the finish line, at which the timing is stopped.

Results: For results please email me and I will calculate how well you have done.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


So are you a self proclaimed fitness freak or wanting to start your journey to ultimate fitness? Then this is the right place for you, I will be looking at many different ways of measuring your fitness and health through day to day activities plus looking at many different activities which the experts even use to this day!